Is College Worth It?

College? To Go or Not to Go? That is the Question. It certainly claims to make life better. Although the truth is just the opposite. Is It Worth It? There is some incredible solutions detailed in the video shared below by Tucker Carlson. Finally he has changed direction and no longer with the Propaganda of Fox New. This is some great information to have on hand. Is College Worth it and why should we go?

College, Is Not Worth It? While College is proving to be more and more a WASTE of ENERGY, TIME, and MONEY. It’s significantly creating incredible Debts by impacting families lives financially. These debts are taking multiple generations to repay.

So, School Tuition is on the upswing, along with Grades being handed out. While we see Success Rates in the Real World are surely DECLINING. Like the unemployment rate durning Trump.

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

Is College Worth Its Costs and Time?

Let’s take a look at some Key Points.

According to Reposts 45 percent of students “did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning” over the first two years of college. Close to a whopping 40 percent didn’t learn anything at all over all four years. Surly is just a sad state of affairs.

College is not making People Smarter, CLEARLY, as Tucker puts it.

Tucker covers it specifically. Many Students never Ever Really Studied. Rather 35 percent reporting less than 5 hours a week, What a joke! There something seriously wrong with this picture. The Future of Education is Here, be sure and Check it Out.

2.67 hours a day is all that is reported. Twice that time in shopping, eating, partying.

Consistent increase in Adult illiteracy. Most College Grads fall below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as calculating the costs of foods in a Grocery Store).

Meanwhile. College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in other Countries.

Top Universities are declining in their Academic Rigor.

College Classes get flimsier. Yet College GPA averages are over 3.0 averages. Grade Inflation Highest at Private Schools. It seems most certainly Students are Failing. Although nobody fails.

As Tucker States: With $Billions in Tax Payer dollars being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT THE!!! If this was a Private Business would there be Fraud Indictments. Asking for a friend…

Lastly, what is the answer to these Real Life Massive Problems?

I believe there may be other ways to Create an effective solution, thus providing both value to the marketplace. Additionally having access to future Driven Career Paths.

For as little as $97. You can get going. That’s Fair Costs?


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