Inpersona and Helo

Obviously we have the ability to create a better life. Rather You are now ready for Self-Sovereign Health Data. Once you take back control of your personal Data we create more peace of mind. The Inpersona App and Helo Health Devices are here, regardless.

Medical Privacy and your Medical Care are of Big Concern, protect your Data. Review here: Inpersona and Helo

Inpersona and Helo

This information is also kept up-to-date and constantly made available on the Inpersona.Com Page Here

Firstly; Let’s begin with Downloading the Free Inpersona App from the Apple iStore or Google Play Store:

Secondly; Now that you have the App, set up a New Account after you “Run” or “Open” the app. Set up your account. From here you will need an “INVITE CODE” which is available by us or anyone connected to the Inpersona App already:



Thirdly; Setting up your Crypto Wallet within the Inpersona App. Create a “New Wallet” and record the 12 Phrases to your New Wallet, Make sure to write it down.

4 Simple Steps: You will be walked through within the App. It is super important to take notes, including setting up your passphrases (for your secure wallet).

Fourthly; (A Must Watch) Select Mining Level of NFT Data. An NFT is used to store the actual Sovereign Data. Here is a Presentation on NFT. Higher levels, more Mining Efficiency, and Results.

Fifthly; Once your Helo Device is Ordered and Received, Activate it. Easy peasy! Need help Contact Us.

As this becomes “mainstream” in the World we are constantly working on training and understanding. This is what I believe to Be Awesomeness!

When ordering your Device, use PROMO CODE: INP817462427

As a Result of this Code, save 10% on your Helo Device!

TROUBLESHOOTING: Please Reach and Get In Touch With Us Here: The Inpersona and Helo.

Here are some key things that become better with the Inpersona and Helo Devices:

  • Can you chart it, yes you can. How you might ask? We know that having a glass a day of True Premium Fine (Red) helps our Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Energy, and Stress. Real results after 1 glass a night over a month’s time. And we get to benefit from it. However, you must make sure you are truly drinking Fine Wines from here, not the store-bought wines. You will see it in real Medical Data.
  • While taking “Real Effective” Nutritional Products and Vitamins we see increases in Health. Need Bio-hacking? We all do, and with this incredible line of Supplements that helps with so many ailments. Weight Control, Sleep,(sleep and slim down while you sleep better)(Sleep is super important.) Probiotics for Gut Health. Youth and Anit-Aging Solutions. We Deserve a Better Life and We Highly Recommend These Exact and Specific Bio-Hacking Products.
  • Once we add you officially into our Online Community we to Gift You? with more and more! Be sure to Reach out and Contact Us for more information. Here is how to Contact Us: